Why encapsulation?

Us humans are the only mammals who do not eat systematically our placentas. This practice, called placentophagy, has been mostly forgotten for a long time. It is still not very well known even though it has many wonderful benefits, both for the new mother and for the baby.

These benefits may help to:

- Recover faster from childbirth

- Rebalance hormone levels in the new mother

-Bring the mother's iron level back to normal 

- Reduce the risks of experiencing the baby blues

- Boost breastmilk production

There are many different ways to consume placenta, but rare are those who are at ease, or ready to eat it like meat. Encapsulation, which consists in dehydrating the placenta, grinding it into a powder and encapsulating it into capsules, is an interesting way to enjoy all the benefits of placentophagy, in the form of an encapsulated supplement. 

* Please note that these benefits are based on anecdotal evidence as there has not been sufficient studies on the subject. It is up to the mother to determine the effect the placenta has on her. No one other the mother to whom the placenta belongs should consume it. Your placenta specialist is not a pharmacy, pharmaceutical representative, holistic practitioner, herbalist, homeopath or medical doctor. Benefits of placenta encapsulation are supported by maternal experience and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. Placenta Encapsulation or placentophagy is intended solely for ingestion by the mother who has birthed the placenta(s) and not for her family members, friends, or other individuals and is not guaranteed to produce specific results. The services offered are not clinical, pharmaceutical, or intended to diagnose or treat any condition. Families who choose to utilize the services take full responsibility of their own health and for researching and using the offered services. Your placenta specialist makes no guarantee as to capsule efficacy, but does guarantee the highest quality of service. Always speak to your health care provider regarding any questions about your health, safety and well-being. Placenta services are not meant to be a replacement for medical advice, medical care or medicine. If you experience symptoms of postpartum depression, low milk supply, fever etc. please call your care provider to discuss your symptoms and how to feel better as well as treat any existing symptoms or potential conditions. While many women have found placenta encapsulation to be a wonderful and amazing gift, you are still encouraged to seek appropriate assistance and medical care when necessary.